Blueberry cupcakes

Surprise your friends and family with this classic recipe

How to make Blueberry cupcakes

Blueberry Cupcakes Ingredients:

Ingredients for the base:

- 250 grams (9 oz) of pastry flour
- 200 grams (7 oz) of sugar
- 150 grams (5½ oz) of butter
- 2 eggs
- 150 ml (5 oz)of milk
- 2 teaspoons of chemical yeast
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla paste
- 50 grams (1½ oz) of dried cranberries

Ingredients for the frosting:

- 100 grams (3½ oz)of cream cheese
- 35 grams (1 oz)of unsalted butter
- 225 grams (8 oz) of icing sugar
- 2 tablespoons of milk

Preparation of Blueberry Cupcakes:

This Blueberry Cupcake is a very special recipe for the combination of flavors it proposes. At home we like this recipe a lot, especially the older ones, because it tastes very good thanks to the combination of sweet flavors and the slightly acidic touch of blueberries.

This recipe combines all the usual sweetness of Cupcakes with the characteristic acidity of blueberries, which makes it a recipe that will appeal to some and not so much to others. If you like blueberries, it will be worth a try, its flavor will surely convince you. We like it a lot and we hope that it is your case too.

The first thing we need is to hydrate the blueberries, for this I put them in a container and cover them with water while preparing the other ingredients. Also put the oven to preheat to 180º (356ºF) before you forget and you have to wait later, as has happened to us more than once. 

Now you have to mix the sugar and butter very well until you get a creamy dough, for this it is better to use an automatic stick mixer or some Thermomix type kitchen robot. Then add the eggs, while continuing to stir, also the milk and vanilla. Mix well again until the dough is smooth and manageable.

We are going to sift the flour together with the yeast, if we have not done it before, and add them to the container where we are making our dough. Mixing the flour takes a little longer, but you have to do it well so that annoying lumps form that spoil the final result. Take the blueberries out of the water, pat them dry, and roll them in flour. Subsequently, the blueberries are added to the mixture that we have prepared, trying to ensure that they are well distributed.

Prepare the molds for the Cupcakes, with their typical paper molds. Fill each mold to a third of its capacity, do not fill them completely. Put the tray in the oven for 20-22 minutes, then take them out after checking that they are in their right place and checking that the inside of the cupcake is there, you can prick them with a toothpick or similar, if they are made by pricking them they will come out dry and let them cool down a little before unmolding.

To prepare the icing, as always you can use a thousand and one ideas, but we suggest you create a butter cream with bluish coloring, and on top of it place one or more blueberries to finish off the ornament. If you do not know how to prepare the buttercream go to the home page of the web and there we detail the necessary ingredients and the steps to follow.

We hope you like this recipe as much as we do at home, and that it becomes one of the ways you like most to prepare complete Cupcakes.

As always, the possibilities are many and varied, so use your imagination to try new recipes.

Discover the rest of Cupcake recipes that we have published on the web, you will see that they are very varied recipes. There are many different types, from the easiest to the most complex to make, and with very varied flavors.

Approximate Servings / Units: 8

Approximate Preparation Time: 40 min.

Approximate Calories: 310 cal.

On the main page you have three basic recipes for making a buttercream: Basic buttercream, buttercream with cream cheese and chocolate buttercream.

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